Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Can I pass into your bed?

I´m not sure if I have mentioned this yet, but I have a serious grudge against the bikers. They zoom past you at a million kilometers per hour dinging their stupid bells *ding ding* ¡buen camino! *ding ding* I haven´t really liked them from the beginning, I believe that they are cheaters. But what really sent me over the edge was a situation similliar to the one I just described, but one guy, oh this one guy, instead of a "¡buen camino!" he gave me a *ding ding* "¡adiós!" I wanted to throw my walking stick in his tires. What takes me 3 days to walk, they do in 1. It´s quite annoying. But this is what the Camino is about, looking at the things that bother you and figure out why. Well, I haven´t figured out why, maybe jealousy, but I gave it a good shot.
As you know, I have learned nothing in the way of Spanish since I have been here. All I seem to be learning is Hungarian. About 2 days ago I was laying in my bunk at the hostel when 3 Spanish bikers came in. We chatted as much as we could and they invited me for a beer. I accepted. Killing 2 birds with one stone, right? Well, after a few beers, it was time to head back to the albergue. It just so happened that one of the guys was sleeping right next to me. He was the only one that knew some English so we chatted for a bit and listened to some music. Just as i am about to fall asleep, his buddy says something to him and he looks at me and then writes me a message on his phone "can i pass into your bed?" Confused, I laughed and this made him a little uncomfortable. His reason was that his friend wanted to sleep on the bottom bunk. When that didn´t work, he tried the "this may be the only time I will see you" and after that didn´t land him a spot in my bed, he apologized and gave up. So, there you go. I tried and they failed me. No longer will I try to befriend a biker, let alone a Spanish biker.


  1. Kilometers? Since when? We only know miles here, not kilometers.

  2. Remind me not to open any sets with that line
