Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunburnt and sore

I am noticing a change in the way I write and speak these days. It turns out that when you only speak in broken English for 9 days, it kind of sticks and it is doing a number on my creative writing. So I apologize if my writing is a bit off. I blame my parents for not forcing me to learn 3 different languages.

I´m going to try to finish the recap and be done with it.

Day 5 - Cizur Menor to Ciraqui 27.4k
I´m going to make these quick. I woke up early and ditched Tom and Stephen. Nothing against them, I just wanted to make it there before nightfall. I had an awesome day walking by myself and powered through it. Things did get a little hairy when I came to a section that was seriously lacking trees and water, but it wasn´t to long until I came upon both. And big surprise, when I got to the water fountain and was doing some relaxing 2 peregrinos who were behind me stopped for some water. After listening to them speak for a second, guess what...yes they are Hungarian. Seriously. 7 Hungarians. How is this even possible? I have taken it as a sign and I will be going to Budapest to visit Tom and David and then up into the country to see Ann and Margo. I´m like a Hungarian magnet out here. That was pretty much the excitment for the day. Oh, and there was an amazing thunderstorm also.

Day 6 - Ciraqui to Los Arcos 36.5k
The most intense day thus far. Tom, Stephen and I walked to Villamayor and it was f-ing hot!! 95F and zero shade! Tom and I took little siesta at an albergue then continued on to Los Arcos with Valdi. Let me tell you about Valdi. He is from Poland and seems to be a little off his rocker. I had heard that the night before he melted all of his credit cards and id´s - he is giving the man the finger. Valdi also is walking the Camino because he is praying for all of the people of Poland to come back home because World War 3 is going to breakout in less than 3 years and Poland is the only safe place. He is the most interesting character I´ve met so far. We lost him after Los Arcos, but I have a feeling that he will pop up again.

Day 7 - Los Arcos to Logroño 28.7k
Nothing too exciting to report this day. I didn´t even write in my journal, so I´m guessing it was pretty uneventful. I know I was wiped out from the day before. By the way, 36.5k is a 23 miles.

Day 8 - Logroño to Nájera 30.7k
Also, pretty uneventful. Walked with David and then Fredrick from Germany. I wasn´t really into the view here and just wanted to get to Nájera.

Ok, I´m noticing that I´m not really giving this my all right now, so I should probably come back to it another day. Today is day 9 and hopefully tomorrow my writing mood will be better.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're making good time! Soak up the experience, the people, the villages and the essence...take it easy!
