Sunday, June 14, 2009

Things are looking better

I have finally made it to Spain after my near breakdown in Paris. I´ll give you a little summary of the past few days...

After I came inches away from losing my mind, I finally shelled out the 109 euros it cost to take the overnight train from Paris to SJPP. That is about 150 dollars back in the states. Since I had been sleeping in plane seats the past few days, I upgraded myself to a coachette. that did wonders for me. I believe my meltdown was due to the redeye to Boston and spending the day (my 8 hour layover) walking around the city with Chris, then catching the redeye to Paris and having to take the metro to various placed to get to the train i needed to be on. Because at this point i loathed Paris, I spent the next 8 hours sitting in the train station where I met the cutest little girl that was teaching me french. When i wasn´t "speaking" with her, you could find me sitting in a chair cross-legged with my bag on my lap and me hunched over it asleep and drooling. i was quite a sight. Finally at 11:10pm, my train arrived and i was off.

Day 1
I arrived in SJPP at 9:34am and began my walk. I buddied up with 2 guys that were heading to the peligrino´s office and we started our journey. After the office we lost on guy, David of Hungry, so it was just me and Will of Chicago. This had to be the hardest day of my life. With lack of sleep and food on my side and staring at the face of the Pyreenes we walked. Granted we were on a road, but it was like walking up on side of Devil´s Dip for 4 hours (that´s for the Oroville folk) or i can´t really think of a good example for san diego, but when it comes to me i will inform you. After about an hour of walking up this never ending hill, will and i stopped to have a snack. He was kind enough to give me an orange since i only had a day old bagette. About an hour after that we came to the refuge that i had a reservation at, but since it was only 12:30pm i decided to push on with will. After a bit, my stomach started hurting, assuming it was due to the heat and all that jazz, i pushed through. We did stop about ever 100 feet to catch our breath or lay down for a second. We have now been walking for about 3 1/2 hours and we take a looooong break. I think i may have even fell asleep at some point. The next hostel is only about 10 minutes away, though this is not something we are privvy to. I get up because i just want to be there and i feel horrible, about 2 minutes into it i return the orange that Will so kindly gave me. Yes, i threw it up. Thankfully Will wasn´t too grossed out and waited behind me until i was done. I was mildly embrassed for being so rude to throw up his orange, but he assured me that it was fine and we continued. There was only one bed left at the hostel and it was actually a tent, not really a bed, Will and i parted ways and i passed out. Orisson (france) was the name of the refuge and included in the price was a three course dinner with all the wine you can drink and breakfast. Pretty sweet deal.

Day 2 (today)
I am in much better spirits today. Yesterday i was cursing myself for doing this. It´s so hard to keep track of time here. The sun rises at 6am and doesn´t go down until 10pm!! The tent had a mat, so it was pretty comfortable. I started walking today at about 8am and have made it to Roncesvalles. I have gone to the top and am now on my way down the Pyreenes! That climb was tough!!! I walked all day with Linda of Switzerland. She is nice, but doesn´t stop talking! I am realizing that i haven´t said a word about how beautiful it is!! i woke up and looked out the tent to see the clouds over the mountains below. I have hiked through the open spaces of the french side and now the forests of the Spanish side. The French side was breathtaking! When i get somewhere i can post pictures at i will.
I am happy to report that there was no puking today. But i would like to explain something to you. The backpack. Though i have a 35 liter pack, which is very small, it weighs 22 pounds! That may not sound like much, but it is equivalent to carrying a 3 year old on your back, without the squirming and incessant questions so it makes for a much better travel companion. But holy molar can you feel each and every ounce!

I am off now to get in line for my hostel. Adios!


  1. Cass,

    How's the journey going? Hope you're having a blast!


  2. How are you and your equipment holding up? Made it to Pamplona yet? This is a really cool thing you're doing!

  3. That a girl I am so proud of you little go getter!!! POUND IT!
