Monday, June 8, 2009

59 hours and 30 minutes

Trains, planes and automobiles. I am a two and half days from setting off on my super awesome adventure. Red-eye to Boston, another red-eye to Paris, then a train to Bayonne and a bus to St. Jean Pied de Port (SJP or SJPDP for short). oh, interesting fact number 32: I just found out that St. Jean Pied de Port means "Saint John at the foot of the mountain pass. This makes sense, I guess, since it is at the foot of the Pyrenees. After all of that, I walk. Just to clarify, I am walking. Yes, walking. Not taking trains or buses. It's me and my shoes. This seems to be hard for some folks to wrap their heads around this (Kurt Rein) even though it is all I have been speaking of for the last 3 months. It is a total of 784 kilometers, for you Americans that comes to just shy of 500 miles. Like I said before, I will be starting in SJP and I will finish the trek at Santiago de Compostela. I have been counting down the days for the past 3 1/2 months and now I can finally start counting down the hours.

There are a few different trails to follow, but I am following the Camino Frances. There really isn't any specific reason I chose this one, I just closed my eyes and pointed and that's the trail I ended up with.

Besides reading the forums and wikipedia and purchasing the necessities, I have done nothing to prepare for this. By that I mean that there has been zero training for me. No long walks through San Diego or intense workouts at the gym. The only thing that I have put any effort into training is my liver. It is well prepared for anything it encounters. No challenge is to big, no alcohol content too high.

This is it for now. I am off to buy the last minute things I am in need of, such as clothes and things of that nature.


  1. This is so sick... I did not know you were doing this. BTW, cool blog URL name.

    I will be praying for safety and then for an awesome time.

    Blessings and Peace!
    Jaymes Lackey

  2. Give Your Foot A Push

  3. thanks jaymes! i has been pretty amazing so far!!
