Friday, June 19, 2009

Holy molar!

Jesus, Joseph and Mary has it been a tough few days! I am happy to report that my left knee has doubled in size and because of its recent growth spurt my right knee is a bit jealous and is working on beefing up.

Thanks to Margo and Ann teaching me a couple phrases in Hungarian I have been able to tell 3 unsuspecting Hungarian men that I love them. The first being Tamas (To-ma-sshhh), the Stephen and some man with his wife.

Let us do a little recap of the past few days. I believe I left off on day 2, so I will start on day 3...

Day 3 - Roncesvalles to Lassarona 28k
I managed to find Linda again. It was fine. Thankfully she keeps a pretty good pace so we caught up with my 2 Hungarian lady friends, Margo and Ann. Margo and Ann were walking with Tamas, a Hungarian guy that I confessed my love for the night before. Tamas, Linda and I left Margo (the self-proclaimed snail) and Ann. Shortly after we lost Linda, also. I was a little sad to see her go, but I was in good company. There really isn´t much to report for this day except that I have the strangest songs popping into my head. This morning I woke up to "Come All Ye Faithful". I´m really hoping this doesn´t continue.

Day 4 - Lassarona to Cizur Menor 20k
I hated everything. Tom (Tamas) and I picked up another Hungarian and he walked with us. This was fine, except he didn´t speak a word of English and my Hungarian isn´t quite up to par yet. It took us 9 and a half hours to walk what should have taken us 5 and a half. I never wanted to see another Hungarian again. But after some rest and a beer and wine with dinner, things took a turn for the better. I am now able to understand some things when they are talking to each other. Tom can speak English pretty well, so he is our converstation middle man. Tom made me a super sweet walking stick and it is doing wonders for my legs.

I have some people waiting for the internet, so I will finish all this later.


1 comment:

  1. sounds like u r in pretty good shape for beer and wine challenge of this trip... don't worry about the walking... by the end of the mission you will be speedy gonzales of walking!
    so proud of you Cass!
    p.s.- ask one of those cute boys to give you a piggy bag :-)
