Thursday, July 9, 2009

700k down, 100 to go!

Yep, that´s right. I just passed the 100k mark. I can´t even comprehend it.

It´s been awhile since my last update so I´ll try to keep it short and to the point. Three days after my last post we (i´m not sure if i told you about the big group I fell into. If I haven´t then I will let you know that there are 6 people) stayed at this amazing little place by the name of Manjarín. This is a place that will always have a special place my heart and my immune system. Manjarín had no running water, no electricity and mats that we slept on in the attic of this house. We roughed it. They were kind enough to provide us with dinner, breakfast (!) and a great time. What they also sent us on our way with was a huge dose of food poisoning. Slowly, one by one, it took us down. First it was Tim. He spent that entire night running downstairs (and remember, no electricity). Then in the morning Jamie starts speaking of an upset stomach which caused me to turn my attention to my stomach that was also not feeling up to par.
After a nice siesta by the river in an unknown town, I run into Jamie looking quite dazed. I had stopped in an albergue to use the bathroom and almost took him out. It turns out that 2 Spanish men found him in a ditch throwing up and took him to the hospital. I got him settled in and went on my way. I´d say about 3 hours later, in the middle of nowhere, 5k from the next village, there I was puking, again. Luckily, Tim had stayed with me and that kept me from bursting into tears pleding with the heavens to send my mom to me. Little did I know that one of the Hungarian girls was doing the same thing 2k´s ahead of me. Then about 4 hours after that it took the German girl down. So, 4 out of our 7. Not bad. We ran into some other people that had stayed there that night and they were all sick also. I tip my hat to you, Manjarín.

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