Saturday, July 25, 2009

Full moon in Budapest

For those of that didn't know, I am now in Hungary. I figured that since I met so many Hungarians and they were all pretty rad it was a sign that I needed to go there. So here I am. Smack dab in the middle of Budapest. Actually I am in Pest, but I have also been staying in Buda. It has been one wild ride.

It turns out that the Hungarians are huge fans of staying up all night, every night. To put it this way, we go to bed at about 3:30am last night and that was an early night, but probably the most random. Everyone was gone yesterday. Jamie and Reka were at a Nine Inch Nails concert, Piroska was at work and Tamas was in some town doing something. Tamas had told me of a Hungarian film festival that was happening, sounds awesome right? No. By the time I had arrived the American movie was starting and it happened to be "Music and Lyrics" with Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore. If that wasn't bad enough it hadn't occured to me that there was a possibility that the movie was going to be in Hungarian. I felt like an ass. Oh, speaking of asses....

After the movie I ran across town to meet up with Piroska, Jamie and Reka because by some stroke of random luck we had been invited on a party bus by Piroska's brother. We arrive to a double decker tour bus with that is playing the most terrible music ever. I don't even know what genre it was but we'll just call it Crap. So, we get on to the bus and decide that we need to make the best of this and what better way to do that than to start taking shots of vodka chaced by sprite. Now that we are well on our way I think the only way to make this worthwhile is to moon the non-party bussers. Reka, Jamie and Piroska agree and we spend the next hour looking for our victims. There they are. An innocent group of people walking home after a long night. The four of us yell out the window and turn around as fast as we can and bend over. It was so much fun that we did it a few more times but it turns out that there are cops cruising the streets of Budapest. Who would have thought. The next thing we hear are sirens and our bus has stopped. Jamie and I start to get a very worried because we are without our passports and have just mooned a good part of the Pest side. Luckily, the cops didn't investigate any further and we went on our merry way.

And now tonight is Piroska's performance and Tamas' birthday. What could possibly happen tonight?


  1. Cassie,Cassie,Cassie.........

  2. Is crap a genre that formed after 2002?

  3. What is involved in chacing something?

  4. Shame on Cassie, glad you are having fun. be careful and hope to see you soon.
